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Viking God Vidar Initiation

Original price was: $ 300.00.Current price is: $ 150.00.



Initiation Spells and Detailed Guide with Norse God Vidar

With this powerful and impactful initiation, you can learn to channel the energy of the Norse god Vidar in a modern and easy way.

What Are Vidar’s Powers?

Vidar is an important god in Norse mythology, and his powers include:
• Silence and stealth: Vidar is associated with silence and stealth, moving through the world with the quiet grace of a predator.
• Hunting and archery: Vidar is known as a skilled hunter and marksman.
• Winter sports: He is sometimes associated with winter sports such as skiing and skating and is believed to be a master of these activities.
• Vengeance: Vidar is known for his power of vengeance. During Ragnarok, he will avenge his father’s death by killing the wolf Fenrir.
• Preservation of the balance of the universe: Vidar is believed to have the power to maintain universal balance, ensuring harmony among gods and mortals.

Vidar is a respected figure in Norse mythology, and his energy represents elements such as silence, stealth, hunting, vengeance, and universal balance.

However, this initiation is not limited to the above – you can experience and utilize this energy in many different ways.

Discover Norse Magic (SEIDR)

As a practitioner of the Norse magic tradition (Seidr) living in Denmark, I am offering you this special initiation. This initiation brings a permanent change to your energy system.

After purchasing, you can download a detailed PDF guide that explains how to use modern techniques.

You can use this energy in various ways, such as:
• Sending an energy ball into the universe to manifest your desires,
• Channeling the energy into yourself or others,
• Meditating with the energy to gain inner guidance.

Benefits of the Initiation

By using Vidar’s energy, you can:
• Strengthen your inner power and courage,
• Channel it to manifest your goals,
• Meditate with the energy to receive insights and inspiration,
• Influence your surroundings by filling the room with energy,
• Use the energy in business, combat, or everyday life situations,
• Increase your personal attraction and charisma,
• Infuse objects with this energy to empower yourself,
• Enhance spells and rituals with this powerful force.

These and many other applications are detailed in the PDF guide provided with your purchase.


An initiation allows you to connect with the energy of a god, goddess, or spirit and use their power for your benefit. This process is also known as attunement.

During the initiation ritual, energy channels are opened for you, allowing you to manifest, channel, and utilize these powers in many ways. The energy is transmitted to you through a Chi ball, which exists independently of time and space.

You only need to perform the receiving ritual once, as explained in the PDF guide. Once received, the energy will remain with you permanently.

Thanks to this modernized approach, you don’t need to perform long and complicated rituals to access the powers you desire.


Immediately after your purchase, you will receive a link to download the detailed PDF guide.

Within a few days, I will perform the traditional Norse Seidr magic at my sacred BLOT site in Northern Denmark, initiating you exactly as the Vikings did.

I will notify you once the initiation is completed.

This initiation is performed entirely through energy work, so physical distance is not an issue. The energy will be sent to you remotely without the need for video or voice calls.

Please note that this initiation creates a permanent change in your energy system. Some people may feel light effects after receiving it, but they are harmless and will fade quickly. Not everyone experiences these effects, but those sensitive to energy might notice them.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to invite Vidar’s power into your life and enhance your courage, balance, and inner strength!


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